Al-Siraj Resturent


Al-Siraj Resturent contact


address: Alghail Freezone, 671313 Ras al Khaima

Al-Siraj Resturent opening hours

  • Monday always open
  • Tuesday always open
  • Wednesday always open open
  • Thursday always open
  • Friday always open
  • Saturday always open
  • Sunday always open

Al-Siraj Resturent ratings

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Al-Siraj Resturent information

price category:

$$$ high price

Al-Siraj Resturent facebook posts

Breakfast Special
Kheema paratha & Aloo Paratha in the authentic North Indian Taste at Al Siraj Restaurant
Call at 0522588698 for your free home delivery

Al-Siraj Resturent, 2020.02.08.

Good morning.. have a nice day

Today's BF Menu:

Idly set
Putt chena
Poori baji
Mysore masala
Masala dosha
Porotta beef
Dosha set
Idiyappam fish curry
Keema porotha
Alu porotta
Mooli porotta
Gobi porotta

Al-Siraj Resturent, 2020.02.06.

Today's special offer

Al-Siraj Resturent, 2020.01.31.


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