Jeddah Palace Restaurant

Chinese Restaurant Indian Restaurant
Multi Cuisine Restaurant

Jeddah Palace Restaurant contact


address: 2551 Fujairah

Jeddah Palace Restaurant opening hours

  • Monday 12:00 - 16:00, 18:00 - 12:00
  • Tuesday 12:00 - 16:00, 18:00 - 12:00
  • Wednesday 12:00 - 16:00, 18:00 - 12:00
  • Thursday 12:00 - 16:00, 18:00 - 12:00
  • Friday 12:00 - 16:00, 18:00 - 12:00
  • Saturday 12:00 - 16:00, 18:00 - 12:00
  • Sunday 12:00 - 16:00, 18:00 - 12:00 open

Jeddah Palace Restaurant ratings

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كل عام و انتم بخير
We wish you strength, blessings, and hope this Ramadan. We are in this together. Stay home,stay safe. Ramadan Kareem!

Jeddah Palace Restaurant, 2020.04.23.

A popular Thai green curry flavored with coconut milk and sweet basil.

Jeddah Palace Restaurant, 2020.04.21.

Mixed vegetables cooked with kolhapuri special.
#restaurant #fujairah_restaurants #fujairah #alfujairah

Jeddah Palace Restaurant, 2020.04.18.


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